Bugaboo Donkey 5 Duo Pushchair – Black/Forest Green
Let your children discover life together with the new and improved side by side double pushchair . Convert the pushchair from single to double in just three clicks and keep your little co-pilots side by side from birth to toddler. The reversible seats let siblings face each other, face you or face the exciting path ahead. It’s smaller than you think, and ready to go with just a one hand push.
pushchair weight32.8 lbs (Duo configuration)
Stroller width29 in (Duo configuration)
Age range0 months – 4 years
Front wheels10 in
Rear wheels12 in
Min – Max adjustable handlebar height33.8 in – 41.7 in
On the seat22 kg/48.5 lbs (per seat)
In the underseat basket10 kg/22 lbs
Side luggage basket22 lbs
Compact two-piece fold35 x 23.6 x 13.8 in (L x W x H)
One-piece self-standing fold20.5 x 29 x 35.4 in (L x W x H)
In use
Lowest handlebar position33.5 x 29 x 43.7 in (L x W x H)
Highest handlebar position41.7 x 29 x 43.7 in (L x W x H)
Inner and outer fabrics100% polyester
Handlebar grips100% PU faux leather material
Mattress cover100% polyamide